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Archive of Published Issues: 2019

Front Matter

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Metadata associated with this Archival Unit includes:

Journal URL https://its.iszzi.kpi.ua/
Title Collection "Information Technology and Security"
Publisher ISCIP Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
Description Publication of original and review papers on the major problems of modern information technology, information security, information warfare, cybersecurity, critical infrastructure protection, mathematical and computer modeling, information security risk.
ISSN 2518-1033
Language(s) English (en_US)
Українська (uk_UA)
Publisher Email its@iszzi.kpi.ua

The authors that are published in this collection, agree to the following terms:

  1. The authors reserve the right to authorship of their work and pass the collection right of first publication this work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which allows others to freely distribute the published work with the obligatory reference to the authors of the original work and the first publication of the work in this collection.
  2. The authors have the right to conclude an agreement on exclusive distribution of the work in the form in which it was published this anthology (for example, to place the work in a digital repository institution or to publish in the structure of the monograph), provided that references to the first publication of the work in this collection.
  3. Policy of the journal allows and encourages the placement of authors on the Internet (for example, in storage facilities or on personal web sites) the manuscript of the work, prior to the submission of the manuscript to the editor, and during its editorial processing, as it contributes to productive scientific discussion and positive effect on the efficiency and dynamics of citations of published work (see The Effect of Open Access).

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