Research of multiplex signal of UAV management
The problems of application of domestic UAV aviation come into question for realization of airspionage operations in the intensifying zone of military conflict on east of Ukraine. Aim of the research is to establish the form of initial radio signal for exchange of useful managing information in an uplink channel from the ground equipment of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) remote control; the development of flow diagram of domestic airspionage complex with the use of the protected system of control signals transfer using methods of radio signal encryption. The basic methods of rectangular video pulse sequence forming with pulse-width modulation (PWM) and their further multiplexing for transfer via UAV control radio channels are considered. Period length of this sequence is 20 ms, that allows to transfer it for 50 times on a second, the range of rectangular pulse width of PWM at different positions of the joystick of ground control equipment varies between 1 ms to 2 ms, the value of 1,5 ms is for neutral position. The form of multiplex control signal and its accordance to position of the joystick of ground equipment of UAV remote-control are determined experimentally under laboratory conditions. The flow diagram of the protected system of UAV control signals transfer is offered with the use of sectional algorithm of encryption that is certificated in Ukraine due to GOST 28147-89. Research results can be used at planning of domestic airspionage complex with the remote-control system protected from malicious interference into radio uplink channel by the system of remote-control.
Keywords: unmanned aerial vehicle, radio control, impulse channel, remote control, multi-channel communication, pulse width modulation.
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