Revealing channels of information leakage due to stray electromagnetic radiation and guidance by treating the spectrum microwave frequency
The analysis of the formation of information leakage through electromagnetic radiation and side are different components of a PC. For a standard computer monitor interception is possible at frequencies up to 50 harmonics of the clock frequency. Emission can occur over a wide range of frequencies (from several Hz to GHz) and the range of real interception reach hundreds of meters. It is shown that the information content of signals is significant at frequencies GHz TEMPEST units, and there is the need for special studies at frequencies of several GHz, although the method does not require it. It is shown that, contrary to popular belief grounding does not play a determining role in the protection of information from leakage channel TEMPEST. Grounding is only necessary for the requirements of electrical safety. In some cases, when you connect the ground level of spurious emissions may increase. It is shown that, in most practical cases, the cable system is a great dish for all spurious equipment connected to the network. Spurious emissions arising in the components of the computer are directed on all the wires of the cable network.
Keywords: information, information protection, side electromagnetic radiation and crosstalk, informative signal.
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