Create documentation for information security management systems
A new system for creating documentation for information security management systems, reflecting the peculiarities inherent in information security management system of the organization. Showing aspects of personnel and their handling of documents related to information security companies and / or organizations.
Keywords: documentation, international standards, system management, management organization, personnel.
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International Organization for Standardization (2015), ISO/IEC 9001:2015, Quality management systems. Requirements, available at :!iso:std:62085:en (accessed 08 September 2015).
Domarev, V.V., Domarev, D.V. (2012), Upravlinnia informatsiinoiu bezpekoiu v bankivskykh ustanovakh. Teoriia i praktyka vprovadzhennia standartiv serii ISO 27k [Management of information security in banks. Theory and practical implementation of standards series ISO 27k], Donetsk: WS «Velstar» Publ., 146 p., ISBN 978-966-2759-00-6.
International Organization for Standardization (2013), ISO/IEC 27001:2013, Information technology. Security techniques. Information security management systems. Requirements, available at :!iso:std:54534:en (accessed 08 September 2015).
State Committee for Standardization (2010), DSTU ISO/IEC 27001:2010, Informatsiini tekhnolohii. Metody ta zasoby dosiahnennia informatsiinoi bezpeky systemy keruvannia informatsiinoiu bezpekoiu. Vymohy [Information Technology. Methods and means of achieving information security management system of information security. Requirements], Kyiv, 26 p.
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