Cybercrime analysis in economic security


  • Volodymyr Holubiev Company "Cyber Safety Unit", Zaporizhzhia,, Ukraine



Some results were proposed based on conducted by authors a cybercrime analysis, which can consider as an economic security threat for enterprises. This analysis is made in borders of current legislation of Ukraine and some international regulatory acts. In addition, a statistical condition data are shown in specified problem area, based on which the conclusions and recommendations were formed. Some cur-rent international regulatory acts were shown in some details, which are directed to improve the state of affairs in the cybercrime.

Author Biography

Volodymyr Holubiev, Company "Cyber Safety Unit", Zaporizhzhia,

Candidate of law, director of the
department of cybercrime


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How to Cite

Holubiev, V. (2013). Cybercrime analysis in economic security. Collection "Information Technology and Security", 2(1), 26–32.

