A universal transaction delegation method for decentralized decision support systems
decentralized data platforms, delegated transactions, decision support systems, expert data, blockchain, EthereumAbstract
This study examines methods for decentralizing computation and storage to enhance the security of end systems, focusing on decision support systems as a use case. Common limitations of system decentralization are identified, and a new, universal transaction delegation method is proposed to simplify decentralized system usage. An overview of available transaction delegation methods in self-protected decentralized data platforms is provided, based on well-known projects using the Ethereum platform. Four popular delegation methods in decentralized networks are distinguished, with their advantages and disadvantages demonstrated through common solutions. The research led to the implement of a universal transaction delegation method, independent of the decentralized program’s signature standard. This method is realized as a web application on both the server and client sides and can be applied to any decentralized program or existing system supporting decentralized transaction delegation. The study also describes the architecture of a decision support system using this method, applied specifically to the expert subsystem to ensure decentralization and the integrity of expert input, making it impossible to tamper with once submitted. Additionally, the economic model for the expert subsystem is reviewed, using real data. The findings of this study enable the construction of secure decentralized applications on decentralized data platforms, emphasizing usability and user-friendliness, and demonstrate an innovative application within a decision support system for expert knowledge collection.
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