Training of specialists as one of the aspects of resilience of critical infrastructure




security, resilience, critical infrastructure, professional classification, national security


One of the directions of state policy in the field of ensuring national security is the development of a multi-level effective national security and resilience system for critical infrastructure. A key factor in any system, whether in the field of national security or in other spheres, is human capital, its ability to analyze risks and threats, identify vulnerabilities, master new
technologies, and find innovative solutions to address modern challenges. Thus, an important aspect becomes the training of qualified professionals who possess systemic knowledge and skills. The need to provide systemic knowledge to specialists and managers directly addressing the tasks of ensuring the protection and resilience of critical infrastructure has been established. The current state of the training system for specialists in the field of critical infrastructure protection in Ukraine has been identified, and the main forms of organizing training and personnel preparation in this area have been analyzed. Tasks have been established based on an analysis of existing professions and labor market demand to determine a set of professions that are expedient to involve in ensuring the security and resilience of critical infrastructure. An analysis of the training and qualification enhancement of specialists in the field of critical infrastructure protection and resilience has shown the necessity and possibility of creating a national education and training system on critical infrastructure protection and resilience in Ukraine. Professions and labor market demand have been analyzed, and a set of professions expedient to involve in ensuring the security and resilience of critical infrastructure has been determined. After their final approval, these professions could include: the head of a structural unit responsible for the protection and resilience of critical infrastructure and a specialist in the protection and resilience of critical infrastructure. Developed or updated professional standards in the field of critical infrastructure protection and resilience will serve as a basis for adapting educational programs of higher education institutions according to the labor market demand.

Author Biographies

Bohdan Nikolaienko, Administration of the State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine, Kyiv

PhD in engineering, associate professor, chief specialist
of the department of the critical infrastructure protection

Andrii Misiura, Administration of the State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine, Kyiv

chief specialist of the department of the critical infrastructure protection

Anton Storchak, Institute of special communications and information protection of National technical university of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv

PhD in engineering, associate professor at the cybersecurity
and information security academic department

Pavlo Dimitrov, Military Intelligence Research Institute, Kyiv



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How to Cite

Nikolaienko, B., Misiura, A., Storchak, A., & Dimitrov, P. (2024). Training of specialists as one of the aspects of resilience of critical infrastructure. Collection "Information Technology and Security", 12(1), 102–112.

