Automate the verification of session cookie attributes




cookies, vulnerabilities, CSRF, web application, security, session


In this research, we focus on a critical web security topic, namely the security of session cookies, which play a key role in the functioning of modern web applications. As a standard mechanism for storing data on the client side, cookies are crucial for authentication, authorization and maintaining the state of a user's session. However, despite their necessity and convenience, cookies can also pose serious security risks. Our research focuses on the analysis and automation of cookie attribute verification, which is critical to ensuring protection against various web attacks. Identifying and eliminating weaknesses in cookie attributes can significantly reduce the risk of malicious attacks such as session hijacking, cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks. We take an in-depth look at modern methods and tools for securing cookies, including implementing strict policies on cookie attributes such as Secure, HttpOnly, and SameSite. These attributes help to restrict access to cookies from unauthorized use via client-side scripts and provide additional protection against cross-site attacks. In addition, we consider the importance of updating the cookie standard, RFC6265bis, which offers improved security mechanisms, including the SameSite attribute, which allows controlling the sending of cookies during cross-requests, thereby reducing the risk of CSRF attacks. Our research also includes an analysis of potential threats and vulnerabilities associated with the misuse or misconfiguration of cookies, as well as a discussion of strategies to minimize these risks. We demonstrate how detailed automated verification of cookie attributes can significantly improve the security of web applications. The results of the study point to the need to constantly monitor and evaluate the protection of session cookies, as well as the importance of implementing security best practices and standards to ensure the reliability and security of web applications.

Author Biographies

Anastasiia Tolkachova, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv

master's degree student, information security academic department

Danyil Zhuravchak, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv

post graduate student, assistant of the information
security academic department


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How to Cite

Tolkachova, A., & Zhuravchak, D. (2024). Automate the verification of session cookie attributes. Collection "Information Technology and Security", 12(1), 68–79.

