Implementation of the interactive educational and methodical complex of micro-learning using H5P
e-Learning, Blended Learning, micro-learning, interactive learning tools, simulator of software and hardware systems, H5PAbstract
The deep transformation of the security and defense sector of Ukraine in the context of Euro-Atlantic integration conditions the harmonization of key areas of activity with NATO standards and procedures. This also applies to the system of education and training of specialists of the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine. This process is complicated by the contradiction between the need to increase the efficiency of the mentioned system on the one hand, and the requirement of strict economy of resources (financial, human, time) on the other hand, which exists against the background of russia's war against Ukraine.The resolution of the mentioned contradiction is possible due to the wide implementation of the model of continuous lifelong learning based on modern technologies of e-Learning and Blended learning. Implementation of this task involves constant training of specialists in formal, unformal and alternative education, self-motivation for educational activities through open access, optimal use of resources, comfort of all participants in the educational process. In turn, this leads to new requirements regarding the organization and content of educational contents (electronic educational resources): adaptability of the educational environment; implementation of flexible learning trajectories; interactivity of educational content. A significant problem of electronic training of technical specialists is their study of complex software and hardware systems, which involves the formation of skills and operating skills. This is due to the increasing complexity of software and hardware devices and systems and their cost, as well as the fact that the full use of these devices and systems in the training mode is often not possible or not advisable due to various reasons. Thus, there is a need to develop electronic educational tools that, along with theoretical information, simulate the operation of hardware and software devices and systems in order to increase the effectiveness of their study (computer simulators). The article discusses the main types of e-learning. The basic components of the concept of micro-Learning are defined. The composition of the educational and methodological complex implementing this concept is described. Existing approaches to the development of computer simulators are analyzed. Formulated requirements for appropriate tools. The choice as a tool for the designer of interactive content H5P is justified. The implementation of the interactive educational and methodological complex is shown on the example of the training module “Fortinet FG-60E firewall”. Feedback information regarding the use of the developed complex in the educational process is provided.
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