Methods of constructive synthesis of antenna system of radio communication building on low-lying vibrators


  • Olena Mavrina Institute of special communication and information protection of National technical university of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv polytechnic institute”, Kyiv, Ukraine



mobile radio communication device, vibrating antennas, low-lying vibrators, constructive synthesis of antenna systems, antenna orientation diagram, vibrator system calculation model, method of constructive synthesis of antenna systems


In recent years, the radio communication system has undergone significant modernization. This concerns both the design and development of new means of communication and the improvement and modernization of existing ones and the development of new antenna-feeder devices for them. A general feature of radio communication networks is the significant dependence of the main characteristics of communication objects on the type and parameters of antenna systems and on decisions regarding their location. The developed technique of constructive synthesis of the antenna system of the radio communication device built on low-lying emitters is offered, with the help of which it is possible to synthesize the antenna system which will improve the technical characteristics of the mobile radio communication means. The method of constructive synthesis of the antenna system of radio communication equipment built on low-lying emitters is based on the mathematical model of calculating the directional characteristics of the speaker from low-located emitters for radio communication facilities. This model was presented in the article “Mathematical model for calculating the directional characteristics of the system of vibrators of radio communication equipment” [1]. Research methods – synthesis of antenna systems with the necessary pattern is based on the Hertz vector method, the method of induced electromotive forces, the method of mirror images and analysis of the results. The influence of the shape and number of elements of the antenna system on the formation of its radiation pattern is determined and the calculation for the selection of the optimal design with the required electrical characteristics is established. That is, the proposed technique helps to improve and simplify the technical performance of transmitting and receiving speakers. Based on the results of the research, a mathematical model for calculating the directional characteristics of the AS, built on low-lying emitters for radio communication equipment and methods of constructive synthesis of AS radio communication equipment built on low-located emitters, which is possible in the absence of with realized gain up to 16 dB. It is expedient to apply the developed technique: during the development of new AS and antenna-feeder devices for modern field radio communication equipment and AS for unmanned aerial vehicles; during the organization of communication by a field special radio communication node.

Author Biography

Olena Mavrina, Institute of special communication and information protection of National technical university of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv polytechnic institute”, Kyiv

head of the scientific-organizational department of the scientific and research center


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How to Cite

Mavrina, O. (2022). Methods of constructive synthesis of antenna system of radio communication building on low-lying vibrators . Collection "Information Technology and Security", 10(1), 97–107.

