Сurrent state and prospects of steganography development in telecommunication systems
electromagnetic steganography, stego, container, telecommunicationsAbstract
At present, it is necessary to ensure stable, continuous and hidden transmission of information, so it is advisable to consider the hiding of the very fact of the transmission of the message. Thus, the risk of access to information with limited access is significantly reduced. Along with this, additional messages can be encrypted. Thus, steganography is a science that provides information exchange in such a way that the very fact of the existence of a confidential message is hidden. It complements cryptography (data encryption) with another level of security rather than replacing it. To date, the use of steganography involves a number of methods for protecting information resources. It is divided into linguistic and technical. In turn, linguistic steganography is divided into: semagrams, open codes and closed ciphers. Technical steganography is divided into stego-text, stego-audio, stego-video and stego-image. For this purpose, such message carriers as images, text, audio or video are used. The media message and message (information) that needs to be hidden is broken down into bits, and these bits of information are hidden in each bit (in bits) of the media message. The information is encrypted by changing the different properties of the message carrier. Technical steganography uses special methods of signal protection, which it is advisable to implement in promising departmental means of digital communication. One of the ways to increase the hidden fact of the transmission of digital message by steganographic methods is the use of streamlined electromagnetic steganography. This concept involves the transmission of a low-power digital signal simultaneously with the radiation of a significantly more powerful legitimate source. Such a source, for example, can be a digital broadcasting transmitter. The hiding message transmission algorithm consists of three main stages: 1) the formation of electromagnetic radiation containing a hidden message 2) the additive linear addition of electromagnetic radiation containing a hidden message and stream electromagnetic container in space, 3) the demodulation of the total signal, followed by the release of the hidden message. Electromagnetic steganography, as an independent branch in the general theory of stego, with the creation of the theory of multiplayer detection has the prospects of qualitatively new development. The approaches of this theory allow to mask the hidden message not by reducing the spectral power density due to the use of broadband signals, but by ensuring the possibility of concealment of the ocular spectrum of the hidden message emitter under the ambient energy spectrum of radiation.
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