Conceptual model of information protection of critical information infrastructure objects of Ukraine
information security model, object of critical information structure, information security threats, protection measures, information security status assessment matrixAbstract
The problem of the information protection sphere – the choice of the information protection model at the critical information infrastructure objects of Ukraine is investigated. An analysis of modern models for the protection of computer systems and networks that form the basis of critical information infrastructure objects was carried out. These models consider the specific features of their operation. They make it possible to assess different scenarios of information security events, to analyze the state of computer systems and networks that are part of the critical information infrastructure objects. They are designed to simulate the actions of the attacker. The presented models of protection with reservations can be used during the development of the architecture for the protection system of critical information infrastructure objects. The schemes which can be used to design the information protection model architecture of critical information infrastructure objects have resulted. Particular attention is paid to issues related to the peculiarities of information security threats and shows the ways of their formation This analysis is appropriate for choosing the means of information protection circulating in computer systems and networks of critical information infrastructure objects. The reasons and conditions for the formation of information security threats are important, they are a source of valuable information for establishing a basic and additional set of information security tools. The main and additional means of protection are established unconditionally for the information protection models of critical information infrastructure objects. The basis for their implementation is the matrix of information security assessment for objects of critical information infrastructure, compiled with the help of expert assessment. The components of the objects of the critical information infrastructure information protection model are determined. It consists of three components: information security threats, information infrastructure elements, and protection measures, which in turn are divided into basic and additional. The relationship of the model components is formalized with the help of a matrix. The formulaic form of the model is presented, where its elements are the probabilities arising from the influential effect of information security threats on the elements of the information infrastructure. These probabilities are established by an expert method. Sets of conditions for the influence of (external and internal) factors, states (working and emergency) functioning, the structure of elements of critical information infrastructure objects are formulated. This important information is ultimately a linguistic description of the requirements for creating an information protection model of critical information infrastructure objects.
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