Method of space-frequency block coding with dual-mode index modulation aided OFDM
Space-Frequency Block Coding, MIMO, OFDM, Index Modulation, Dual-Mode, non-stationarity.Abstract
The technology of combining Multiple Input-Multiple Output (MIMO) and Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) for modern Wireless Communication Systems is considered. The areas of priority use of time and frequency variants of Alamouti’s diversity scheme for Wireless Communication Channels with limited frequency and energy resources are determined. The concept of Index Modulation (IM) is analyzed. The method of OFDM subcarriers index modulation is determined as the most promising means of increasing noise immunity and speed of information transmission for real frequency-selective channels of Wireless Communication Systems. The benefits of Dual-Mode OFDM-IM with optimized signal constellations based on BPSK, QPSK and 16-QAM are demonstrated. A novel Signal-Code design combining the Dual-Mode Index Modulation Aided OFDM and the Orthogonal Space-Frequency Block Coding with Alamouti’s core SFBC-DM-OFDM-IM is proposed. Compared to classical SFBC-OFDM the proposed method allows simultaneously to improve spectral and energy efficiency of information transmission systems in frequency and time-varying wireless communication channel. The SFBC-DM-OFDM-IM method is advisable for providing high-quality communications with highly dynamic ground objects, unmanned aerial vehicles and other aircrafts in the conditions of Signal-to-Noise Ratio critical reduction, which takes place under the influence of electronic suppression means. The obtained scientific results can be effectively used for designing new generation Wireless Communication Networks with limited frequency and energy resources.
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