Conceptual basis of description for the information security management system architecture
Information security management system, system architecture, system architecture description, architectural representation, architecture model, model kind.Abstract
The problems of information security management system development in the organization are considered. Conceptual bases of its architecture description are presented. Basic concepts regarding the information security management system architecture are disclosed through its context. The context of the architecture description is represented by the main elements. These include: parties involved, purpose, information security management system, environment, architecture, architecture descriptions. The parties involved are interested in the system. Such interest is driven by the need to maintain the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of the organization's information assets. In view of this, the aim is to develop a defined system that is focused on providing information security with acceptable risk. The organization is interpreted as the environment of the functioning of the information security management system. It determines its effects during its life cycle, taking into account the interaction of the system with the environment. The architecture reflects what is significant to the information security management system. Whereas to describe the architecture of a designated system, its description is used. The information security management system architecture is described by an architectural view. It presents architecture from the point of view. This view is characterized by two aspects: a structural representation of the interests of the parties involved; structural representation of architecture features. The architectural representation of the information security management system is reflected by the architecture model. This model describes the features of the designated system architecture, taking into account the interests of the parties involved. Architecture features are reflected by the type of model through which the model is influenced. The relationships between the architectural description elements are shown in the links. Their use makes it possible to represent the attitude of architecture to the interest within its description. Thus, this conceptual description of the information security management system architecture will allow both to develop and justify its development taking into account the interests of the organization and the parties involved.References
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