Cybersecurity as a component of information security of Ukraine
Informatization, information threats, informational security, cybersecurity, information space, cyberspace, cyber threats.Abstract
It is shown that the globalization impact on cyberspace, manifested in the spread of cybercrime, cyberterrorism and information expansion, requires its reliable protection, and ensuring the cyber security of Ukraine in the conditions of the Joint Forces Operation becomes an integral component and a factor of national security. It is proved that the establishment of the established system of information security of the state in the conditions of globalization and development of information technologies and telecommunication systems requires clarification of system-forming bases and basic principles of the system of providing cybersecurity as the most important component of information security of Ukraine. Based on the analysis of scientific publications, it is argued that the study of the problem of information security occurs, as a rule, in two main directions - information-psychological, aimed at protecting consciousness from negative information impact and information-technical, in which the main object of protection are information resources. in information and telecommunication systems. It is substantiated that the methodological basis for addressing this issue is a systematic approach that allows to consider not only certain types of information threats, but also the multifunctionality and multidimensionality of the subject field of information security in understanding information security as a systemic phenomenon. It is proved that on the basis of identification of objects in need of protection, branching of functions and sectors of responsibility of public and private structures, it is expedient to distinguish subject areas of information and cybersecurity. The definition of information security in the broad sense of the term as a sphere of national security, characterized by comprehensive (legal, economic, technological and organizational) security of the established functioning of the information space, the protection of information, information and technological and security interests of the state and society, information and rights is formulated. and human freedoms. An approach is proposed, according to which it is important, first, to separate the substantive side of the concepts of information and cybersecurity in the broad and narrow sense of the word, and secondly, to differentiate their functional content in the state and national, according to the scope of information and cyberspace and global dimensions. It is concluded that further development of the scientific, theoretical, legal and organizational foundations of cybersecurity is one of the most important tasks of Ukrainian science, especially in the context of the path towards Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine.References
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