Analysis of critical IT infrastructure designing problems for a ministry




Architecture, cloud services, global integration as a service, data center, critical ІТ-infrastructure


The problems of creating a critical IT infrastructure of the ministry are analyzed. The classic model of cloud services, which consists of three layers, is considered. It has been shown that the specificity of the tasks performed by the ministries (departments) puts the developer with increased requirements for reliability, safety, availability in the automation of their processes. As a result, it has been shown that the use of only these three layers to create a critical IT infrastructure of ministries (departments), even as a private cloud, is no longer sufficient. Several additional layers are proposed for the classical cloud service model, such as BaaS and XaaS. The first layer, Business as a Service (BaaS), includes automation of process management at the organizational level, including monitoring of performance indicators, analytical reports, data consolidation and centralized enterprise level integration. The second layer - everything as a service (XaaS), provides total automation of the industry level, including the introduction of industry standards, the automation of cross-integration of many enterprises. A further analysis of the developed model has been carried out and it has been determined that in order to create a single information space of the ministry (agencies) as an object of informatization with a critical IT infrastructure, it is necessary to put in its implementation a number of new possibilities. They stipulate the need to upgrade both the hardware infrastructure, both system and application software. Therefore, the creation of critical IT infrastructure with these capabilities requires the implementation of new specialized means of data transmission and storage of information. These tools are characterized by a number of key characteristics such as interactivity, multi-tieredness, heterogeneity, distribution, and dynamic modification of data structures during the lifecycle of critical IT infrastructure information systems in accordance with meta-models of the subject area based on metadata interpretation. All of the above points to the need to put into the model another GaaS last layer (the transition to global integration as a service). The last part of the article provides an analysis of the requirements for constructing a critical IT infrastructure.

Author Biographies

Ihor Bondarenko, Informatization Department, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Kyiv,


Yaroslav Dorohyi, National technical university of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv polytechnic institute”, Kyiv,

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, associate professor in Department of Automation and Control in Technical Systems

Sergii Stirenko, National technical university of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv polytechnic institute”, Kyiv,

doctor of technical sciences, professor, chief of Computing Engineering Department

Tymur Shemsedynov, National technical university of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv polytechnic institute”, Kyiv,

senior teacher in computing engineering academic department


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How to Cite

Bondarenko, I., Dorohyi, Y., Stirenko, S., & Shemsedynov, T. (2018). Analysis of critical IT infrastructure designing problems for a ministry. Collection "Information Technology and Security", 6(1), 96–107.

