Method of object identification of critical information infrastructure in aviation industry
Critical infrastructure, critical information infrastructure, critical aviation information systems, object identification of critical information infrastructure, civil aviation.Abstract
In recent times all over the world the number of different emergency situations was increased. Every day mass media informs about natural and man-caused disasters, weapon conflicts, acts of terrorism, global crimes, acts of piracy that were committed by both crime organizations and single offenders. Increasingly frequently as a result of these events many people fall a victim and also state critical importance systems and resources can be damaged. According that, civil aviation industry requires special attention, just as there is need for continuous communication and interconnection between ground-based and aircrafts systems. Most of the world's leading states began to devote considerable attention to the methods and means of identifying, systematizing and securing critical infrastructure objects. Loss or operational breakdown of these objects can cause significant or irreparably damage for national security of the state. However, according to the analysis, the existing approaches to identifying and identifying infrastructure objects are not systemic and clearly formalized, are oriented only to certain sectors of the infrastructure and do not take into account the full range of parameters and features of the critical infrastructure, especially its information component. In view of this, in this work a method of object identification of critical information infrastructure is developed, which gives ability to determine the critical infrastructure elements, their mutual influence and influence on functional operations of the critical aviation information system. This method, as well as a software application developed on its basis, can be used for identification the objects of critical information infrastructure in different industries.
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