Negative information-psychological impact on individual consciousness based on socio-engineering approach


  • Volodymyr Mokhor Pukhov institute for modeling in energy engineering of National academy of sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv,, Ukraine
  • Oksana Tsurkan Pukhov institute for modeling in energy engineering of National academy of sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv,, Ukraine



Індивідуальна свідомість, негативний інформаційно-психологічний вплив, соціоінженерний підхід, соціальна інженерія, інформаційно-психологічна безпека.


The information-psychological impact on individual consciousness is considered. It is established that such influence has not only constructive, positive character, but also destructive, negative in relation to the personality. Internal and environmental factors lead to this. Individual-psychological properties of the individual affect her actions, acts, behavior in the process of life. Therefore, it not the only successful implementation of negative information and psychological impact depends on them but also opposition to it. The research directions of ways overcoming this problem were analyzed. Among them allocated, the implementation of negative information-psychological impact based on the socio-engineering approach. This choice is caused to the fact that the result of the psychological interaction of interpersonal communication is shown in the change emotional state, behavior or internal attitudes at least by the one interacting side to achieve the stated goal, namely unauthorized access to information. Social engineering methods are aimed for such a change in the psyche at which the objective reality changes, the conditions of activity. Such a change achieved due to the negative information-psychological impact on the individual consciousness through the impact on the person’s mental state, feelings, thoughts and actions with exclusively psychological means. The features of such influences are that the person can ignore it and not realize it as the threat. This caused by the fact that it didn’t always realize, leads to the creation of illusions concerning reality, programming of motives to cooperation, the hidden management. Given this, the ways of ensuring the individual security consciousness from the negative information-psychological impact based on socio-engineering approach are proposed.

Author Biographies

Volodymyr Mokhor, Pukhov institute for modeling in energy engineering of National academy of sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv,

doctor of technical sciences,
professor, director

Oksana Tsurkan, Pukhov institute for modeling in energy engineering of National academy of sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv,

leading engineer at the scientific
and technical information department


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How to Cite

Mokhor, V., & Tsurkan, O. (2017). Negative information-psychological impact on individual consciousness based on socio-engineering approach. Collection "Information Technology and Security", 5(2), 13–19.

