Сollection, processing, use and protection of information in the documents of high social significance


  • Yuliia Kozhedub Institute of special communication and information protection of National technical university of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv polytechnic institute”, Kyiv,, Ukraine
  • Tetiana Lisnichenko State Enterprise “ State road scientific research institute behalf of M. P. Shulhina”, Kyiv,, Ukraine




Іnformation, quantitative data, regulations, legal act, statistical methods.


The article deals with topical issues of collection, processing, use and protection of information contained in legal acts and normative documents used in areas that meet socially important areas of industry and services; in particular, it analyzes the examples that meet Development and construction of public roads. It was determined that the original data from the experience of experts, professionals, including designers and builders of roads, converted into parameters, characteristics, underlying created documents for security, among others, and use of roads and adjacent to it infrastructure. Lists the types of documents used in a series of design and construction of public roads, established the difference between these concepts are definition of “legal act” and “normative document”. We are analyzes the potential need for the use of the information used in the development of legal act and normative document. The list of quantitative data and appropriate statistical methods listed in the standards for the use of organizations that have implemented management system to confirm the effectiveness of management. We are deals with the scope of the most well-known statistical methods for processing quantitative data current normative legal act and normative documents for later use. Found that unquestioning adherence to numerical parameters and characteristics are the key to creating security in the socially important spheres of human activity. The results of the study and the prospects for further research in this area are expounded.

Author Biographies

Yuliia Kozhedub, Institute of special communication and information protection of National technical university of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv polytechnic institute”, Kyiv,

candidate of technical sciences,
associate professor at the management
and tactical and special training
academic department

Tetiana Lisnichenko, State Enterprise “ State road scientific research institute behalf of M. P. Shulhina”, Kyiv,

leading researcher of standardization
and metrology department,


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How to Cite

Kozhedub, Y., & Lisnichenko, T. (2016). Сollection, processing, use and protection of information in the documents of high social significance. Collection "Information Technology and Security", 4(2), 199–206. https://doi.org/10.20535/2411-1031.2016.4.2.109923

