Cybersecurity in the broad sense


  • Aleksander Bohdanov Institute of special communications and information security National technical university of Ukraine «Kyiv polytechnic institute», Kyiv,, Ukraine
  • Volodymyr Mokhor Institute of special communications and information security National technical university of Ukraine «Kyiv polytechnic institute», Kyiv,, Ukraine



The article contained the position of the authors regarding cybersecurity as a phenomenon of the present stage of development information society development. It attempts to highlight different aspects of this concept study in order to identify possible topics of discussion.

Author Biographies

Aleksander Bohdanov, Institute of special communications and information security National technical university of Ukraine «Kyiv polytechnic institute», Kyiv,

Doctor of technical sciences, professor,
head of department

Volodymyr Mokhor, Institute of special communications and information security National technical university of Ukraine «Kyiv polytechnic institute», Kyiv,

Doctor of technical sciences, professor,
head of department


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How to Cite

Bohdanov, A., & Mokhor, V. (2013). Cybersecurity in the broad sense. Collection "Information Technology and Security", 2(1), 5–18.

