Construction domain model of information security by probing Google Scholar Citations service


  • Dmitrii Lande Institute of problems of information registration of National academy of science of Ukraine, Kyiv,, Ukraine



The technique of constructing terminological networks – domain models based on the sensing data of the network information service – proposed. As this service is considered Google Scholar Citations. This approach is applied to the subject area of information security, but can be applied to many other areas of science and technology.

Keywords: subject area, domain model, network probing, information network, concepts network.

Author Biography

Dmitrii Lande, Institute of problems of information registration of National academy of science of Ukraine, Kyiv,

Doctor of technical science, senior researcher,
head of the specialized modeling tools department


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How to Cite

Lande, D. (2015). Construction domain model of information security by probing Google Scholar Citations service. Collection "Information Technology and Security", 3(1), 4–11.

