Analysis of topology impact in efficiency and vulnerability in global area networks


  • Vitalii Zubok "Information Center "ELVISTI",, Ukraine



The article continues to research the ways of exploring wide segments of the Internet based on the routing tables of its participants. Provided calculation for such network parameters as degree distribution, average geodesic path, the global effectiveness and vulnerability. This review shows a technique for modeling topological changes of a certain segment of the Internet and compare the network parameters before and after the change. Empirical evidence suggests that the sensitivity of the network to the removal of a particular node does not depend on the number of links of  this node.

Author Biography

Vitalii Zubok, "Information Center "ELVISTI",

Deputy director


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How to Cite

Zubok, V. (2012). Analysis of topology impact in efficiency and vulnerability in global area networks. Collection "Information Technology and Security", 1(2), 17–25.

