Method of assessment of energy intensity of public communication radio equipment with software adjustable working frequency for determination of interruption protection indicators




radio equipment, radio suppression, radio reconnaissance, jamming resistance, software frequency tuning, energy concealment, Fourier processor


The ability of modern departmental communication systems to perform tasks in conditions of radio-electronic suppression by the enemy characterizes their immunity to interference. It is known that the interference protection of radio equipment in conditions of enemy radio reconnaissance and electronic suppression can be described by a set of probability indicators that characterize its secrecy (energy) and interference resistance. Secrecy (energy) is the ability of departmental communication systems to counteract the enemy's radio reconnaissance means, which are aimed at detecting the fact of the departmental communication system's operation, determining the parameters of its radio emissions, intercepting information for further deliberate radio-electronic and electromagnetic interference. One of the methods that significantly increases the secrecy of departmental communication systems is the use of signals with software-defined frequency conversion. These signals are a set of radio pulses (signal elements) whose frequencies change over time according to the law of pseudorandom sequence. The enemy searches for and detects the elements of these signals in a wide frequency band. This search is carried out under conditions of partial a priori uncertainty regarding their spectral-time structure using panoramic receivers. It should be noted that the basis of the radio reconnaissance means of the world's leading states is Fourier processors, which perform Fourier transforms from the implementation of a set of input signals. When designing and developing methods for interference protection, the problem of evaluating their energy stealth arises. Known research results and existing methodologies allow for a simplified assessment of the energy stealth of radio equipment with software frequency hopping under time constraints for decision making and do not take into account the peculiarities of the construction of modern panoramic analysis tools. In particular, the known methodologies do not take into account the peculiarities of the process of frequency-time searching for elements of such signals in a wide frequency range using panoramic receiving devices based on the complex application of different types of Fourier processors, the order of spectral-time processing of signal elements at the output of Fourier processors, requirements for their threshold sensitivity and dynamic signal range. Therefore, the article proposes a methodology for evaluating the stealthiness of communication systems with software-defined frequency tuning to determine the indicators of interference protection based on Fourier processors in the conditions of the opponent's use of modern radio-electronic intelligence tools.

Author Biographies

Serhii Sholokhov, Institute of special communications and information protection of National technical university of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv polytechnic institute”, Kyiv

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, professor of the special telecommunication systems academic department

Ivan Samborsky, Institute of special communications and information protection of National technical university of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv polytechnic institute”, Kyiv

candidate of technical sciences, senior research officer, associate professor of the special telecommunication systems academic department

Bohdan Nikolaienko, Institute of special communications and information protection of National technical university of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv polytechnic institute”, Kyiv

candidate of technical sciences, deputy head of the department of military and humanitarian disciplines

Іеvgen Samborskyі, National Aviation University, Kyiv

postgraduate student of Department organization of air transportation


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How to Cite

Sholokhov, S., Samborsky, I., Nikolaienko, B., & Samborskyі І. (2023). Method of assessment of energy intensity of public communication radio equipment with software adjustable working frequency for determination of interruption protection indicators. Collection "Information Technology and Security", 11(1), 4–14.

