Assessment of the impact of metrological and diagnostic support on reliability of digital devices




digital devices, metrological support, diagnostic support, current repair, technical condition


Digital information processing in radio-electronic systems of weapons and military equipment is a current trend. Software control of communication devices is widely implemented, which requires new approaches to determine the technical condition during the current repair of digital devices, which is significantly different from analog devices. The article examines the peculiarities of determining the technical condition of digital devices and gives an assessment of the quality of metrological and diagnostic support for the reliability of systems as a whole. Special attention to the implementation of modern achievements in the field of technical diagnostics and metrology. The possibility of using special methods of evaluation of TS of digital devices (energostatic, energodynamic, electromagnetic) both individually and comprehensively is considered. This slightly increases the average recovery time, but significantly affects the achievement of the required value of the product's comprehensive indicator of reliability – its readiness factor. Existing methods of physical diagnosis of digital devices of modern software-controlled radio-electronic systems with discrete information processing are considered. For the first time, the possibility of relating radioelectronic systems to the class of “absolutely reliable” due to the peculiarities of metrological and diagnostic support is being considered. The influence of controlled variables on the value of the product availability coefficient was studied. Depending on the operating conditions of the repair body, the permissible requirements for the qualification of specialists (average time for inspection and troubleshooting), as well as for the metrological reliability of measuring equipment, are substantiated. Based on the results of research aimed at improving existing and developing new methods of diagnosing digital devices with the necessary reliability of results without significantly increasing the time of determining their technical condition, an algorithm for ensuring the necessary values of product reliability indicators both during their design and during operation is proposed and restoration of work capacity in military conditions. It is shown that the greatest influence on the value of the reliability indicators of products is exerted by the training of specialists of the repair body, their ability to fully use the capabilities of modern measuring equipment. Recommendations for ensuring the necessary values of the reliability indicators of digital devices are substantiated.

Author Biographies

Lev Sakovych, Institute of special communication and information protection of National technical university of Ukraine “Igor Sikorskyi Kyiv polytechnic institute”, Kyiv

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the theoretically bases of operation of special means information-telecommunications systems academic department

Oleksii Khodych, National academy of the Security service of Ukraine, Kyiv

candidate of technical sciences, senior lecturer

Yurii Martusenko, National academy of the Security service of Ukraine, Kyiv

senior lecturer

Iryna Bilan, Ukrainian research institute of special equipment and forensic expertise of the Security service of Ukraine, Kyiv



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How to Cite

Sakovych, L., Khodych, O., Martusenko, Y., & Bilan, I. (2022). Assessment of the impact of metrological and diagnostic support on reliability of digital devices. Collection "Information Technology and Security", 10(2), 194–203.

