Risk assessment presentation of information security by the risks map


  • Volodymyr Mokhor Pukhov institute for modeling in energy engineering of National academy of sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv,, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5419-9332
  • Oleksandr Bakalynskyi Department of formation and implementation of state policy on cyber protection of Administration of state serves of special communication and information protection of Ukraine, Kyiv,, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9712-2036
  • Vasyl Tsurkan Institute of special communication and information protection National technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv,, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1352-042X




Information security risk, information security risk assessment, rating scale, risk map, discrete risk map, continuous risk map.


The risk assessment presentation features of information security by the risk maps are considered. In practice, such map is displayed on the coordinate plane. Its axes denote information security risk parameters. This is the risks and the losses magnitude. This determines the acceptability of separate or group information security risks. It is established by choosing the scale of assessment (qualitative, quantitative, or qualitative-quantitative); risk map dimensionality (equal in size, different in size). When used risks maps of information security equally in size and different in size, linguistic rating scales mainly apply (for example, "very low", "low", "medium", "high", "very high"). This approach is limited by the complexity of comparing possible parameters estimates of risk possibility and the losses magnitude. This leads to the difficulty of determining the information security risk assessments acceptability and, as a result, the decision to process them. This limitation is overcome by a combination of linguistic and ordinal scales. The combination of scales allows overcoming the comparing information security risk assessments limitations and establishing clear boundaries on the map. The use of discrete maps with clear (discrete) limits is complemented by color symbols. Acceptable assessments highlight in green, unacceptable in red. The level of acceptability is established by the expert and depends on his knowledge, skills, preparedness, and experience. The adequacy of using discrete information security risk maps is determined by its dimensionality. Therefore, if necessary, it can be increased. On the one hand, it is possible to take into account the intermediate values of the information security risk. On the other hand, it will lead to the enumeration of a large number of pairs (risks, the losses magnitude), difficulties of their perception and the increase in time for deciding whether or not to handle unacceptable information security risks. Thus, the use of discrete maps is limited by the difficulties, firstly, the assessment, comparison and accounting of pairs (the probability of the risks, the losses magnitude). Accounting for these difficulties is possible through the presentation risk assessment of information security by the continuous map.

Author Biographies

Volodymyr Mokhor, Pukhov institute for modeling in energy engineering of National academy of sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv,

сorresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, doctor of technical sciences, professor, director

Oleksandr Bakalynskyi, Department of formation and implementation of state policy on cyber protection of Administration of state serves of special communication and information protection of Ukraine, Kyiv,

head of department

Vasyl Tsurkan, Institute of special communication and information protection National technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv,

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor at the cybersecurity and application of information systems and technologies academic department


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How to Cite

Mokhor, V., Bakalynskyi, O., & Tsurkan, V. (2018). Risk assessment presentation of information security by the risks map. Collection "Information Technology and Security", 6(2), 94–104. https://doi.org/10.20535/2411-1031.2018.6.2.153494

